...:: Days of Our Future ::...

Technology; Inventions; Gadgets; Science; CellPhones; Cars; Ecology

This is a camera which was inspired by the loss of tangible memories. It is meant to connect both physical and digital while minimizing excess materials and the hardships in sharing images.

The PUNCH takes regular digital images but allows its users to physically punch a rasterized image of their photo. The punched image gives information which can connect its users to the digital gallery.

This is an innovative camera designed by Matty Martin that after converting the image into a half-tone, the puncturing mechanism moves dot by dot. When all dots are precisely aligned reproduce the image, the camera screen tells you it's ready. Insert the paper in the slot, punch firmly as instructed, and get your image on paper!

And after that, you can show the photo to a webcam, and it will automatically take you to a gallery with more—normal—images associated with the paper one.

Source wired.co.uk

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