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As politicians in the US and UK continue to debate the merits of building high-speed rail networks, China is threatening to leave them stuck in a siding with plans for over 6,000km of high-speed rail lines and a new order for 80 trains with a top speed of 380km per hour.
Canadian engineering giant Bombardier announced this week that a joint venture between its transportation arm and China-based rail firm CSR Sifang has secured a $4bn (£2.5bn) contract to provide the Ministry of Railways with 80 of the Zefiro 380 model, termed "very high speed".
Bombardier, which is expected to secure $2bn in revenue though its share of the contract, said that the trains will be built at its facility in Qingdao, with the first trains delivered from 2012 and the order completed by 2014.

The 80 trains include 20 eight-car trainsets and 60 16-car trainsets. The company says that they also include a new propulsion system that will deliver overall energy savings per passenger of up to 50 per cent compared to existing rolling stock.
Bombardier Transportation president and chief operating officer André Navarri hailed the deal as a landmark order and praised China's Ministry of Railways for supporting "one of the most far-reaching high-speed rail initiatives anywhere in the world".
His comments were echoed by Jianwei Zhang, president and chief country representative for Bombardier China, who said the deal underlined China's commitment to building a high-speed rail network. "China has a clear vision of the critical role high-speed rail must play in a sustainable transportation system, and is making the strategic investments necessary to ensure that vision is realised," he said.
"This country is selecting the most advanced technologies to build the most advanced rail network in the world."
The contract follows a number of similar deals. Bombardier has committed to providing 20 250km per hour sleeper trains and 20 high-speed trains to the Ministry of Railways.

Source businessgreen.com

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