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Motorola CLIQ

Motorola recently announced its newest mobile phone - the Motorola CLIQ.  Two things make this mobile device special - Motorola’s MOTOBLUR solution and Android Platform. MOTOBLUR is a mobile solution for synching contacts, posts, messages, photos, and more from social networking sources including Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Gmail, work and personal email as well as music from LastFM.
With MOTOBLUR, the new Motorola CLIQ will allow users to mix and match applications and widgets from MOTOBLUR, Android Market or pre-loaded Google mobile services. The Motorola CLIQ boasts of key features such as full HTML browser, 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity, 5 megapixel camera with auto focus, direct access to photo sharing and social sites, YouTube support, 3.5 mm headset jack and full QWERTY keyboard.

Motorola is marketing the CLIQ as a mobile phone with social skills. It features Live Widgets on its Home SCreen which can be customized to stream users favorite contents including conversation threads, friend updates, stories, links, photos and more.
And with the help of MOTOBLUR, the MOTOROLA CLIQ enables users to automatically sync updates with their contacts. Hence when a contact updates his profile pic in Facebook, the changes will be immediately reflected on the phone.
The Motorola CLIQ also gives users quick access to the Android market, obviously because it is running on the Android mobile platform.
The Motorola CLIQ will be available in the fourth quarter in the U.S. under T-Mobile.

Source cellphonenews.com

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