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Keyless home entry

The advantages of a keyless entry lock are many.  The primary advantage of such a system is that no AC power or batteries are needed to operate them, making entry into the home during a power failure insured.  Other advantages include being able to enter when carrying an armload of groceries, toddlers, and the very real advantage of not having to fumble for keys in purse or pocket during freezing weather.
Some keyless entry locks are based on a technology called Keyloq, which was designed by Willem Smit from South Africa in the mid 80's.  It uses an algorithm called "code hopping" that insures safety to the home owner against illegal entry.  Others rely on technologies such as Motorola's algorithm, Bluetooth, and now there is even a lock that "reads" the owner's fingerprint to allow access.

There are two basic types of keyless entry systems.  The most simple is a touch pad system that uses random numbers usually provided by the manufacturer to allow egress.  The second type, which is more sophisticated, uses a card or tag to enter the home.  Many hotels use this type of entry lock on their suites.  A real advantage of the card system is that tags can only be used when activated by the system.  This allows the consumer to activate a keycard for anyone that they may wish to enter when they are not at home.  It is especially helpful for service people who need to come into the home to clean or repair a home system while the owner is away.  Some sophisticated systems can record time of entry, making it near impossible for access to the home by service people when not authorized to do so.  They also have the capability of running lighting systems and other home features.
Another great advantage of keyless entry systems is the fact that people with disabilities can exit and enter safely from their homes.  People who are blind need only have a badge or tag provided with the system to enter the home.  People who are wheelchair bound and have limited use of their limbs can also enter and exit with ease.  A home can be set up to run on a network, allowing access or egress to any portion of the home.  As many of these systems are modular designed, extra entry locks can be added at a later date if there is a need.
Installation of a keyless entry system can be handled by the average do it yourselfer with a minimum of time involved.  Generally a lot of the modular types of keypad entry systems simply replace the deadbolt mechanism already in place.  An entry handle is then placed in the main door handle hole to complete installation.  The more sophisticated type may require the help of a professional for installation.
Keyless entry locks also comes in two different types - the single sided and the double sided.  The double sided lock requires a keypad for entry and exit.  This is typically used in play areas, swimming pool enclosures, and garden gates or fences.  It is added security for the home owner.
Keyless entry locks have been available on automobiles for quite some time.  They utilize both touchpad on some older cars and a wireless remote on newer models.  As technology grows, so does the types of access to a vehicle.  You can unlock the driver door, or even unlock the back hatch in most SUV's with a keyless entry fob, usually attached to the keychain.  Some models also have an actual key inside of the fob to gain mechanical access.
Tip:  Thieves are both clever and knowledgeable.  If the touchpad has been used for several years, both wear and dirt will show the thief the digits used to allow access.  This knowledge reduces the combination of billions of different entries to a total of 32 combinations if 4 digits are used for access.  Always use the maximum amount of digits you can for entry to foil the entry of people wishing to gain illegal entry.

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Source doityourself.com

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